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RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX

From   John Bunge <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
Date   Wed, 07 Nov 2007 18:48:05 +0100

Dear all,

the following table refers to the mail "RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX", 
sent 18:36 CET (see hypertext archive for STATALIST at Harvard U.). It was contained in this E-Mail
but unfortunately not displayed in an adequate manner.

I hope the following version is better. Please excuse any confusion. Maybe it will only be displayed here:

Best, John.

. list

| cid   deid   year  dec |
| 1       1     1980  -1   |
| 1       2     1980   0   |
| 1       3     1980   1   |
| 1       4     1980   1   |
| .       .       .    .   |  
| .       .       .    .   |  
| 1     4000    1999  -1   |  
| 2       1     1980   0   |
| 2       2     1980  -1   |
| 2       3     1980   0   |
| 2       4     1980   1   |
| .       .       .    .   |  
| .       .       .    .   |  
| 2     4000    1999  -1   |  
| .       .       .    .   |  
| .       .       .    .   |  
|200      1     1980  -1   |
|200      2     1980   0   |
|200      3     1980   0   |
|200      4     1980  -1   |
|  .      .       .    .   |  
|  .      .       .    .   |  
|200    4000    1999   1   |  

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