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st: Unix stata big dataset

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Unix stata big dataset
Date   Thu, 29 Nov 2007 22:36:51 +0100

Dear Statalist,
I have a problem to joinby 2 datasets in unix, I have a dataset about 1,8 gb and other about 30 mg, I want to join this two dataset but in unix is very slow the process, and in 4 days I did'nt have a final dataset ( two month ago I join two dataset, more o less the same size, in only 1 day). I use a do file where I write my command joinby.
I look with the command top at the processor in local machine and my process is in state sleep. I use batch mode
11258 franz 1 20 0 0K 0K cpu/0 35.8H 24.41% stata
15566 ncd 1 20 0 0K 0K cpu/1 11:52 23.41% xstata
16084 ncd 1 60 0 0K 0K sleep 27:00 0.22% stata
so, if my processes is sleep means that it no functions? there is another user connected, can he influence my process?
thanks in advance for your help

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