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SV: st: return local limitation to 244 characters

From   "Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen (KLM)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   SV: st: return local limitation to 244 characters
Date   Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:28:01 +0100

Richard Williams asks:
You don't show how `cr' was created in the first place.  Did it ever 
contain more than 244 characters?

Yes, the �cr' is build up through a series of foreach loops, and at the end of the loops, `cr' contains 1043 characters.

My complete code is:
*! 1.0.0 KLM 18 Nov 2007
program define longgraph, rclass
	version 10
	/* LONGGRAPH is inspired by 'longplot' (ZW & NJC 2001), but 	compared to longplot, LONGGRAPH is rudimentary and simple 	(although to the best of my current programming ability). Feel 	free to improve it! 	*/
	/* like "longplot", LONGGRAPH graph values of a response variable 	yvar against a time variable xvar by groupvar such that each 	group is shown by a distinct connected line with different 	colors.
	LONGGRAPH uses the valuelabels of groupvar for legend.
	LONGGRAPH alaws for parsing of twoway_options such as title and 	axis using the graphopt(string) option.
	Connect_options and axis_choice_options is NOT possible! However, 	the complete command can be displayed on the screen using the des 	option for further manual elaboration. */

syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if/], BY(varname) GRaphopt(string) [dis]

qui levelsof `by', local(levels)
local N: word count `levels'
local if = "& `if'"
local cr
foreach l of local levels {
if `l'<`N' {
local cr  `cr'  line `varlist' if `by'==`l' `if', legend(lab(`l' `: label (`by') `l' ' )) ||
else {
local cr  `cr'  line `varlist' if `by'==`l' `if', legend(lab(`l' `: label (`by') `l' ' )) ||, `graphopt'
twoway `cr'
*if "`dis'" !="" {
*di "`cr'"
return local lg `"`cr'"'


Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen
Arbejdsulykker og Sikkerhed
Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmilj�
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] P� vegne af Richard Williams
Sendt: 21. november 2007 15:13
Til: [email protected]; [email protected]
Emne: Re: st: return local limitation to 244 characters

At 09:06 AM 11/21/2007, Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen (KLM) wrote:
>A part of my code is given below.
>*! 1.0.0 KLM 18 Nov 2007
>program define longgraph, rclass
>         version 10
>my code
>twoway `cr'
>return local lg `"`cr'"'

You don't show how `cr' was created in the first place.  Did it ever 
contain more than 244 characters?

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
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