(this is a repost, since the last one apparently did not go through)
Katie wants -ivreg- to work with -outreg-.
-outreg- is not working here because there is no such thing as r(F) or r(p) to be reported after -areg-.
If you want to see what is available after running a regression, you should type -ereturn list- or use -outreg2- with e(all) option.
sysuse auto, clear
areg price mpg weight trunk, absorb(foreign)
eret list
outreg2 mpg weight using read, e(all) see excel replace
outreg2 mpg weight using read, addstat("Ftest: post=times=0", e(F)) see excel replace
-outreg2- currently requires the use of parenthesis for addstat names.
> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 07:59:14 -0500
> From: "Katie Wilson"
> Subject: st: addstat option with outreg
> Hi everyone,
> I am having some difficulty including additional statistics with
> outreg content. The error message I get is r(7) 'r(F) found where
> number expected.' My code looks like this:
> areg getapaper post times $covariates doperator*, absorb(cells)
> outreg post times using read, se replace coefastr 3aster addstat(F
> test: post=times=0, r(F), Prob>F, r(p)) adec(2,3)
> etc.
> I searched the previous postings and found a similar question and
> response that suggested some of the estimates requested were not
> scalars in ivreg output. The suggestion was to use outreg2 instead.
> So I installed outreg2 and tried it, exactly as above only outreg2
> where outreg is, and get the following error: 'r(198) using not
> allowed in the shorthand context.'
> Thanks for all your help.
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