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st: repeated measures or nesting?

From   Chris Witte <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: repeated measures or nesting?
Date   Fri, 9 Nov 2007 14:19:20 -0800 (PST)

I am using Stata 9.2 SE

After reading about anova in the Stata manual I am confused about the difference between repeated measures and nesting.  

Regarding repeated measures, the manual states "...the subjects (or whatever the experimental units are called) are observed for each level of one or more of the other categorical variables in the model."  

One of the nesting examples (#9, page 48, in Release 9 [R]) in the manual has multiple measurements taken on each person operating a certain machine, and then you test the significance of person using the residual error.

Why aren't the measurements taken from each person repeated in the nesting example?

I'm trying to decide whether my data should be analyzed as a nested or repeated measures design, as I have multiple measurements taken on my experimental units over time.  I thought it would be a repeated measure, but my situation is much like the nested example, so I'm not so sure.

thanks in advance!

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