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st: First Polish Stata Users Gruop Meeting

From   Paweł Strawinski (WNE) <[email protected]>
To   statalist-digest <[email protected]>
Subject   st: First Polish Stata Users Gruop Meeting
Date   Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:51:02 +0100

Dear Stata-listers

The first Polish Stata Users Group meeting will be held at the Faculty
of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University, on March 29, 2008. This  
meeting will be the first Stata Users Group meeting to be held in  
Eastern Europe. Anyone interested in Stata is invited to attend.  
StataCorp will be represented.

Call for papers

Presentation topics might include

• discussion of user-written Stata programs,
• case studies of research or teaching using Stata,
• discussions of data-management problems,
• reviews of analytical issues, and
• surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields, etc.

We would like to put special emphasis on applications of Stata in  
econometric and time-series modeling and medical applications. Please  
email the scientific organizers if you are interested in presenting a  
paper, and indicate whether you wish to give

1. a 20-minute talk (followed by a 10-minute discussion),
2. a 10-minute talk (followed by a 5-minute discussion), or
3. a longer review or tutorial (about an hour).

If you would like to discuss the suitability of a potential  
contribution, please contact the scientific organizers.

The conference language will be English. However, if there is demand  
among participants for Polish-language presentations, we will provide
special sessions.

Please send submissions to the scientific organizers by January 31,  

The meeting will include the usual “Wishes and grumbles” session at  
which you may air your thoughts to Stata developers. A detailed  
program will be announced later.

The organizers look forward to hearing from you with presentation offers
or to discuss the suitability of a potential contribution.  
Confirmation of the program will be circulated in February 2008.

For proceedings of previous Stata Users Group meetings, visit

Accommodations and registration

There will be a small registration fee, 25 PLN (approximately 8 Euro),  
to cover lunch costs. Registration and accommodation details will be  
available in early 2008.

Potential visitors to Warsaw might like to know that March weather in  
Poland is highly variable.


Scientific organizers

Maciej Jakubowski ([email protected])
Paweł Strawiński ([email protected])
Andrzej Tomaszewski ([email protected])

Logistics organizers

Timberlake Consultants Polska is the Polish office of Timberlake  
Consultants— distributors of Stata in the UK , Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Poland,
and Brazil.

Visit the Timberlake Polska web site at or  
the main Timberlake web site at

For more logistic details, please visit
The page will be available from Monday 19th November

Looking Forward to meet You in Warwaw
----------                          ---------
Pozdrawiam,                         Regards,
dr Paweł Strawiński                 Pawel Strawinski, PhD       
Uniwersytet Warszawski              Warsaw University 
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych          Faculty of Economic Sciences 
Katedra Statystyki i Ekonometrii    Chair of Statistic and Econometrics
ul. Długa 44/50, pok. 302
00-241 Warszawa
mailto:[email protected]
Tel. 831 32 01 do 05 w. 152, 172 173
Fax. 831 28 46

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