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Re: st: Some basic help on programming
Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Some basic help on programming
Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:34:19 -0400
As Nick wrote, your references to "level" are incorrect. For example, this line:
if level==3 | level==5 {
should be:
if `l'==3 | `l'==5 {
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sorry, but that doesn't make it easier for me to comment helpfully. My
> guess is that your code from the outset won't actually do anything
> like what you want to do, even if it is legal as far as Stata is
> concerned.
> As I said, your code opens with a loop over values 3/9 but you use the
> name -level- to refer to the possibilities. But
> 1. That will only work if -level- is a name of an existing variable or
> scalar, or the abbreviation thereof. But if -level- is a variable,
> such code is almost always not going to do to what the author intends.
> See
> for an explanation showing that (e.g.)
> if level==3 | level==5 {
> will mean
> if level[1] == 3 | level[1] == 5 {
> if -level- is a variable. Also if -level- is a scalar, then where is
> it defined?
> 2. You don't address my earlier point that you are looping with a
> macro named -l- but use -level- to refer to the values 3/9. That
> doesn't seem to hang together.
> Nick
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Prakash Singh <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Nick, I am able to run the code till - save "level`l'data.dta",replace
>> - successfully but for remaining for remaining part of the code it
>> either says invalid syntax or data not found.
>> Please have look on code lines after - save "level`l'data.dta",replace.
>> Prakash
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Posting a chunk of code and giving no details of precisely what errors
>>> you are getting is not strongly recommended. But a wild guess is this:
>>> Your branches like
>>> if level==3 | level==5 {
>>> }
>>> if level==4| level ==6| level==7 {
>>> }
>>> if level==8 {
>>> }
>>> if level==9 {
>>> }
>>> make reference to -level- but what do you think it is? From the outer
>>> loop I suspect that
>>> level
>>> should in each case be
>>> `l'
>>> Nick
>>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Prakash Singh <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Friedrich,
>>>> I know that there is some thing worng with my code. when I am merging
>>>> the level data ie last part of the code but what ever changes I have
>>>> tried some or the other error is coming.
>>>> Here is the code
>>>> local levels "3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
>>>> foreach l of local levels {
>>>> use "level`l'_list.dta", clear
>>>> if level==3 | level==5 {
>>>> local vars "item_code asicc_code unit_quantity quantity value"
>>>> }
>>>> if level==4| level ==6| level==7 {
>>>> local vars "item_code value"
>>>> }
>>>> if level==8 {
>>>> local vars "item_code value_ownd_assets value_hired_assets
>>>> addition_ownd_assets sign rent_payable"
>>>> }
>>>> if level==9 {
>>>> local vars "item_code loan_outs int_payable"
>>>> }
>>>> levelsof item_code, local(items)
>>>> foreach i of local items {
>>>> preserve
>>>> keep if item_code==`i'
>>>> foreach var of varlist `vars' {
>>>> ren `var' `var'_`i'
>>>> }
>>>> sort common_id
>>>> save "item`i'.dta", replace
>>>> restore
>>>> }
>>>> contract common_id
>>>> drop _freq
>>>> foreach i of local items {
>>>> merge common_id using "item`i'.dta"
>>>> drop _merge
>>>> sort common_id
>>>> }
>>>> save "level`l'data.dta",replace
>>>> }
>>>> contract common_id
>>>> drop _freq
>>>> foreach l of local levels {
>>>> merge common_id using "level`l'data.dta"
>>>> drop _merge
>>>> sort common_id
>>>> }
>>>> save "level3_9data.dta",replace
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