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Re: st: Some basic help on programming

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Some basic help on programming
Date   Thu, 12 Apr 2012 13:56:26 -0400


You want to "merge all the 28 item wise file in stead of merging 10
file separately 18 file separately and then merging these two to get
the final data." There may be a way to do so but it is also possible
to minimize the lines of code by adding another loop. Assume that you
have two datasets, level3_list.dta and level4_list.dta. You can
process both files by creating a loop that refers to the numbers 3 and
4. The converted datasets are subsequently merged.


local levels "3 4"
foreach l of local levels {
  use "level`l'_list.dta", clear
  local vars "item_code asicc_code unit_quantity quantity value"
  levelsof item_code, local(items)
  foreach i of local items {
    keep if item_code==`i'
    foreach var of varlist `vars' {
      ren `var' `var'_`i'
    sort common_id
    save "item`i'.dta", replace
  contract common_id
  drop _freq
  foreach i of local items {
    merge common_id using "item`i'.dta"
    drop _merge
    sort common_id
save "level`l'data.dta"
use "level3data.dta"
merge common_id using "level4data.dta"

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Prakash Singh <[email protected]> wrote:
> Friedrich, I am really sorry for this inconvenience and ignorance
> In continuation to my earlier question that the data set I am
> referring contains item number in each level. with you proggraming
> help what I could do was breaking the level data at item number wise
> and them merging it back.
> Now, suppose that I want to do the same for two different level data
> and then merge all the data created at item number basis at once.
> for example level3 data has item number from 309 to 319 so we get 10
> data at item number and merged it. Level4 data contains item number
> 321-238, i.e. 18 item data  file to merge for level4. But how to do
> this combined for level3 and level4 item number data. I mean is there
> possibility to extend the programmee to break the level data for both
> the level data and merge all the 28 item wise file in stead of merging
> 10 file separately  18 file separately and then merging these two to
> get the final data.
> Prakash

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