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st: Some basic help on programming

From   Prakash Singh <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Some basic help on programming
Date   Tue, 10 Apr 2012 12:39:25 +0530

Dear all
I am having access to stata 10 and working with National Sample Survey
Organisation (India) data. In this data set I have level wise data and
within each level there are item codes. Now I have to break the level
data at item wise and then merge it to have information for all the
required variable.

I can use do file and repeat "keep if" command but would like to ask
is there any other way to do this boring job as I have to do this for
different levels.

For convenience I am giving sample of the do file

use "level3_list.dta", clear
keep if item_code==309
ren item_code item_code_manu
ren asicc_code asicc_code_manu
ren unit_quantity unit_quantity_manu
ren quantity quantity_manu
ren value value_manu
sort common_id
save "item309.dta",replace

like wise for different item codes

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