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Re: st: Bootstrapping with 'bca' option will not give BCa confidence interval
Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Bootstrapping with 'bca' option will not give BCa confidence interval
Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:37:51 -0500
I would suspect a fundamental difficulty here. BCa CIs rely on
jackknife to compute the acceleration constant -a- (see Methods and
Formulas in [R] bootstrap), but jackknife may fail to deliver enough
(or in fact any) variability in the sample median(s), producing a zero
in the denominator of -a-, and hence a missing value overall. I am not
sure what regularity conditions are needed for consistency of the BCa
CIs; it may well be that the difference in two medians is not smooth
enough to satisfy these conditions. Never assume that the bootstrap
works in each and every case; it does for the means of i.i.d. data
with two moments, but that's about the complete list of the situations
where the bootstrap is guaranteed to work.
Note that your -gettoken- way of parsing the input variables
completely obscures what the program does. You could've used -args-,
or better yet -syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2), or two required
options like -outcome(varname) group(varname)-. While what you have is
a technically valid solution, it is difficult to digest and handle.
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Philip Jones <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use bootstrapping to calculate the difference between two
> medians, as in the following program. Unfortunately, even though the code
> works correctly, I cannot seem to get BCa confidence intervals, although I can
> get every other type of confidence interval.
> Note that this problem seems to be the same as experienced in the following
> Statalist discussion from 2005
> (
> but it doesn't seem to have been resolved as far as I can see.
> My code is:
> ------------
> capture program drop mydiff3
> program mydiff3, rclass
> version 12
> gettoken number 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
> gettoken grp 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
> quietly summarize `number' if `grp'==0, detail
> local median_group_hi = r(p50)
> quietly summarize `number' if `grp'==1, detail
> local median_group_lo = r(p50)
> return scalar difference = `median_group_lo'-`median_group_hi'
> end
> bootstrap r(difference), bca reps(1000) seed(12345) nodots saving(bs, replace) ///
> nowarn: mydiff3 dose group
> estat bootstrap, all
> ------------
> This is used on a dataset with real numbers as the "number" variable, and an
> indicator (0/1) variable ("grp").
Stas Kolenikov, also found at
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