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Re: st: Suggestion - Citing references from Stata Journal
"Samuel R. Lucas" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Suggestion - Citing references from Stata Journal
Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:48:53 -0700
I agree with Martin that there is no need to shout. I will also say
that it is an author's responsibility to cite work as best they can,
such that the only errors should be innocent mistakes, not systematic
refusals to cite. If you publish a book with XYZ press, I read your
book and get code from it I use in my statistical analysis, I can't
claim "It is too tough to manually enter the information, so I am not
going to cite your book, and its your presses fault!" Scholarly
communication demands that scholars take responsibility and cite the
work they use. If some scholar refuses to do this, for whatever
reason (inconvenience, inconsiderateness, maliciousness) there can be
Automatic citing software is supposed to *help* scholarship, not
REPLACE scholarship.
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Tiago V. Pereira
<[email protected]> wrote:
> There is absolutely no point in adding manually references from the Stata
> Journal to reference manager softwares. I won't do it. People won't do it.
> I won't pay a lot of money for Web of Science to cite Stata Journal
> either.
> If one does not have FREE and FULL access to each reference from that
> journal, so that one can quickly import them to reference manager programs
> (ENDNOTE, REFERENCE MANAGER, etc.), user-written packages won't get cited.
> Period.
> The Stata Journal loses. Authors of Stata packages lose. Everything is
> summarized in "All statistical analyses were conducted using Stata
> (version X, Stata Corp, College Station, Texas, USA)."
> Pity.
> Tiago
> From Kieran McCaul <[email protected]>
> To "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> Subject st: RE: Suggestion - Citing references from Stata Journal
> Date Thu, 12 Apr 2012 13:38:00 +0800
> ...
> You can certainly manually add references to EndNote.
> You can also connect to Web of Science where the Stata Journal is indexed
> and download the reference directly from there, although access to this
> may require institutional subscription.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tiago V.
> Pereira
> Sent: Thursday, 12 April 2012 3:50 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Suggestion - Citing references from Stata Journal
> Stas Kolenikov has pointed out a set of very interesting posts that are
> likely to be useful not only for Stata users but also for Stata
> programmers.
> One of the messages signalizes:
> "What particularly irritates me personally is people who clearly used
> user-written packages for statistical software but don't cite them
> properly, or at all, thereby failing to give any credit to the authors.
> Doing so is particularly important when the authors are in academia and
> their jobs depend on publishing papers that get cited. (Perhaps I should
> add that, in my field, many of the culprits are not statisticians.)"
> For example, I am author of a number of papers, which were only published
> because there are Roger Newson, Maarten Buis, Roger Harbord, Nick Cox,
> Jonathan Sterne, Michael Bradburn, ..., among several other researchers
> that spent thousands of hours writing programs that are now promptly
> available .
> However, I don't cite Stata packages, even though several of them have a
> full paper published in the Stata Journal. It happens that it is very
> tedious to manually add references to my reference manager program. As I
> am usually running out of the time, I end up citing only the Stata
> software, but no user-written package.
> Since the Stata Journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded
> and the CompuMath Citation Index only, I can't found complete references
> in an appropriate format that enables me to automatically create the
> citation.
> So, my suggestion would be to make available complete references in the
> website, so that one using ENDNOTE, for example, can quickly import a
> reference and cite it in his/her manuscripts.
> This is likely to be of great interest for the Stata Journal as well as
> for programmers augmenting the credibility of the research work that
> depends on user-written Stata packages.
> All the best,
> Tiago
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