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Re: st: Loop over variables with svyset

From   "Friedrich Huebler" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Loop over variables with svyset
Date   Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:33:04 -0500


Your previous message did not state that you had a "variable not
found" error. Section 3.3 of the Statalist FAQ advises: "Say exactly
what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. N.B.
exactly! If you can, reproduce the error with one of Stata's provided
datasets or a simple concocted dataset that you include in your

Does your loop produce the variable names that you need? You can check
by adding -display- commands to the loop, as I suggested in my last

display "`k'"
display "Q1170_0`year'"
display "Q0`k'_0`year'"

You can also use -confirm- in combination with -capture- to execute
commands only for variables that exist in your data.

sysuse auto, clear
foreach var in mpg weight xyz {
  capture confirm variable `var'
  if !_rc {
    sum `var'


On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 6:35 AM, Daniel Schultz <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sorry for not mention the error.
> I thought that the error message is clear, due to my description.
> The error message is, that a variable is not found. This is due to the
> fact, that I don't have every variable for every year. Which is the
> reason why I need a loop like the one Steven posted. But which shows
> respect to the fact, that some variables are missing. (concerning the
> year).
> Hope this was explanation enough.
> 2008/11/19 Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>:
>> Daniel,
>> First, you don't say which error you encounter. Please elaborate.
>> Second, you can include a -di- command  in your loop to check if the
>> values of k are the values you need.
>> capture {
>>  forvalues k=1/3 {
>>    if `k' < 100 local k 0`k'
>>    if `k' < 10 local k 0`k'
>>    di "k = `k'"
>> etc.
>> Friedrich
>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Daniel Schultz <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Ok thanks for all the comments...
>>> with the -capture block the do-file is running,
>>> BUT
>>> is actually producing no output after the first error.
>>> This is the part of my do-file (to make it more quick only until Number 3)
>>> capture {
>>> forvalues k=1/3{
>>> if `k' < 100 local k 0`k'
>>> if `k' < 10 local k 0`k'
>>>  forvalues year=2/7 {
>>>  svyset [pw=Q1170_0`year']
>>>  svy: tab Q0`k'_0`year'
>>> mat Q0`k'_0`year' = (e(Prop)\e(total))
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> The first error occurs after the first run of the second forvalues
>>> (forvalues year=2/7 {) loop (number 3).
>>> With the capture block, the do-file is working, but the mat command
>>> only produces a matrix until the first error (a matrix only for year
>>> =2). Thus, I assume, that it is not working totally.
>>> With adding -noisily the do file stops when the first error occurs.
>>> Best
>>> Daniel
>>> 2008/11/19 Buzz Burhans <[email protected]>:
>>>> server
>>>> Steve wrote
>>>> "Just be aware that  captured statements, whether they produce errors
>>>> or not,  show no output."
>>>> -capture noisily {
>>>> ...
>>>> }-
>>>> will produce output if the command does not fail and would otherwise produce
>>>> output.
>>>> So capture, with noisily added, should give you output, unless the command
>>>> fails
>>>> Buzz Burhans
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