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Re: st: Loop over variables with svyset

From   Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Loop over variables with svyset
Date   Wed, 19 Nov 2008 08:30:17 -0500


It will probably be simpler to use a -capture- block:

capture {
statements to capture

Just be aware that captured statements, whether they produce errors or not, show no output.


Daniel, try adding the -capture- prefix to the statements inside the -forvalues- braces


On Nov 19, 2008, at 5:35 AM, Daniel Schultz wrote:

Hej Stas....

this seemed to be a nice idea.....
For this kind of loop I need again for every variable every year. But
unfortunately I don't have Variables for every year. Often only for
the year 2002 and 2007, but also 2004 and see what I mean?
That is the biggest problem with this kind of loop. I think I have to
split the data set even if this means more manually work.


2008/11/18 Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>:
switch the order of the cycles, then. First loop over the variables,
then over waves:

forvalues k=1/999 {
 if `k' < 100 local k 0`k'
 if `k' < 10 local k 0`k'
 forvalues year=1/9 {
   * do whatever with variable Q`k'_0`year'

On 11/18/08, Daniel Schultz <[email protected]> wrote:
Hej Stas......
  Your suggestion looked quite nice....
but when I was testing is doing first all of the Variables of
 the Year 2002 and than 2003 and so on.
This is not exactly what I wanted....I need, that the svyset changes
 every time the Variable changed. Otherwise it would took me ages to
 bring all the variables together in one table (for one year).

 I am pretty sure it is doable, but I don't really know how.
 thanks for all your comments so far.


 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 From: Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>
 Date: 2008/11/18
 Subject: Re: st: Loop over variables with svyset
 To: [email protected]

 how about this:

 * cycle over years
 forvalues year = 1/7 {
  * svyset for that yea

 svyset [pw=weight`year']
  * cycle over the variables
  foreach x of varlist Q*_0`year' {
   svy: tab `x'

You might also want to put some -quietly- and -noisily- statements in places, and may be figure out more of the TeX-related Stata commands.
 I am sure there is a way to put the tabulators & and \\ in proper
places from within Stata, but I've never done this with tables, only
 with estimates using -estout-.

 On 11/18/08, Daniel Schultz <[email protected]> wrote:
Hej stata user....

Maybe this question is too easy for you, but i am kicking it around
 since a week ore so and couldn't find a proper solution.

I have a dataset with 1200 variables of a survey. This survey was held over a couple of years. What I want to do is extracting a codebook of
 the dataset.
Therefore every variable should be tabbed according to their surveyweight.
 The variable structure looks like this:


 Were the extension _0X indicates the year and the Prefix Qaaaa
 indicates the question number, which is the same over the years.
Since I need the tables afterwards in an extrenal program (LaTex) all
 the Variables should be proceed in the correct order.

The problem is, that not every question was asked in every year, that I really need to change the survey weight after every variable for
 the new variable, depending on the extension. I tried a lot, but
 couldn't get a proper solution.

 For only one Variable the syntax should be as followed:

 svyset Q1170_02   *this is the weight variable
 svy:tab Q0001_02

I tried to build a loop based on this, but all my tries didn't work.
 Maybe one of you has an idea. That would be great.

 Stas Kolenikov, also found at
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