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Re: st: do-file hygeine
Also perhaps (not yet seen by me, but I keep meaning to check it out)
M. Schwab, M. Karrenbach, and J. Claerbout, "Making scientific
computations reproducible," Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 2,
no. 6, pp. 61--67, November-December 2000.
David Radwin wrote:
In my opinion, more fundamental than the mechanics of managing do-files
is the philosophy that your work should be replicable by another
researcher in the sense that if she were to use the same data and
methods. In the specific case of Stata, that would ideally mean the same
dataset, do-files, and programs could be used to create exactly the same
results, including such niceties as using the -set seed- command, but
the replication principle goes far beyond that.
A side benefit of this philosophy is that it may force you to be more
explicit and thoughtful about your data analysis decisions.
For a nice discussion of replication in the social sciences, see Gary
King, "Replication, Replication," PS: Political Science and Politics,
followed by comments from nineteen authors and a response, Vol. XXVIII,
No. 3 (September, 1995): pp. 443-499 and
http://gking.harvard.edu/projects/repl.shtml .
At 11:08 AM -0700 9/27/08, Michael McCulloch wrote:
I'd appreciate any pointers toward good do-file hygeine, i.e.
management practices to maximize good record keeping, with resulting
least likelihood of overlooking important details.
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