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st: RE: RE: SV: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?: now trying -xtline-

From   "Spiess, Sven Oliver" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: SV: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?: now trying -xtline-
Date   Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:40:52 -0500

Hello Stephen,

Please check if this does what you want:

	local mdash = char(151)
	levelsof GRP, local(level)

	foreach l of local level {
		twoway line Score Character if Task==1 & GRP==`l',
lpattern(dash) || ///
			line Score Character if Task==2 & GRP==`l', ///
			title(Score against Character) ///
			subtitle(`mdash'Group: `l'`mdash') ///
			name(twowayLine`l', replace)

I do not use a specific ts command for this, but given your data structure it
should work.
NB: With the data from your previous post the graphs for the two GRP groups will
look the same.

If GRP is labeled you might want to have the label in the subtitle of the graph
rather than the value.

You can find a small modification for that in the example .do file below.


***** example start
version 9.2
capture log close

*create data:
	input GRP Task Character Score
	1       1       1       40
	1       1       2       44
	1       1       3       11
	1       1       4       78
	1       1       5       38
	1       2       1       42
	1       2       2       46
	1       2       3       17
	1       2       4       71
	1       2       5       42
	2       1       1       40
	2       1       2       44
	2       1       3       11
	2       1       4       78
	2       1       5       38
	2       2       1       42
	2       2       2       46
	2       2       3       17
	2       2       4       71
	2       2       5       42

*plot graph posted on list:
	keep if Task==1
	tsset GRP Character
	xtline Score, overlay legend (off) name(tsgraph, replace)

*alternative approach:
	label def GRP 1 "First group"  2 "Second group"
	label val GRP GRP
	local mdash = char(151)
	levelsof GRP, local(level)

	foreach l of local level {
		local group: label (GRP) `l'
		twoway line Score Character if Task==1 & GRP==`l',
lpattern(dash) || ///
			line Score Character if Task==2 & GRP==`l', ///
			title(Score against Character) ///
			subtitle(`mdash'Group: `group'`mdash') ///
			name(twowayLine`l', replace)

***** example end

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Stephen Cox
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 2:08 AM
> To: '[email protected]'
> Subject: st: RE: SV: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?: now trying -
> xtline-
> Hmmm, sorry for my confusing first attempt. After I sent it I realised I
> had not said I had changed my data to long form.
> Here is my data format:
> GRP Task Character Score
> 1       1       1       40
> 1       1       2       44
> 1       1       3       11
> 1       1       4       78
> 1       1       5       38
> 1       2       1       42
> 1       2       2       46
> 1       2       3       17
> 1       2       4       71
> 1       2       5       42
> 2       1       1       40
> 2       1       2       44
> 2       1       3       11
> 2       1       4       78
> 2       1       5       38
> 2       2       1       42
> 2       2       2       46
> 2       2       3       17
> 2       2       4       71
> 2       2       5       42
> Etc
> For each GRP (group), I am wanting to get two line graphs for Score against
> Character, one graph for each Task. And I want all graphs overlayed.
> Lets assume I have only the values for Task = 1.
> After defining the dat set to be a panel data using
>  . tsset GRP character
> Then using the following command:
> .xtline score, overlay legend (off)
> I can get a graph for Task = 1 in the form I want.
> But I want to have another graph for Task=2, and have those graphs
> overlayed.
> I am unsure how to do this with -xtline-, as I think I would need two
> 'score' variables, one for each Task, but then I can't use the overlay
> option.
> I am not sure how to do this with -linkplot- (from SSC) either.
> And ultimately I will have to do it all for some different subsets of cases
> as I have 203 GRPs which will be too many too see on one graph, but that is
> another learning task for me.
> I hope this helps.
> ______________________________________
> Stephen Cox |
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
> Sent: Thursday, 13 December 2007 12:56 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: RE: SV: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?
> Kim's suggestion won't work. -linkplot- cannot be used in this
> way, as it is only a stand-alone program and not also
> a -twoway- type.
> To answer the original question, and one of the doubts in
> Kim's reply, -linkplot- is a program from SSC.
> Only yesterday in a different thread I was saying,
> "Please remember the advice to specify where user-written
> commands you refer to may be located."
> That advice is spelled out in the FAQ, which all members
> are asked to read before posting.
> -linkplot- dates from 2003 and was written for version 8.
> One of its options is -plot()-. I will revise -linkplot-
> to support also -addplot()- for users of Stata 9 or 10.
> -plot()- will still work in Stata 9 or 10, but is now undocumented.
> The criterion for -plot()- (or -addplot()-) is simple. Its argument
> must be capable of being fed to -twoway- as a -twoway- type.
> Stephen fed to -plot()-
> if task==1, linepattern(solid) if task==2, linepattern(dot)
> but that isn't a self-contained -twoway- type call. Nor is it
> legal syntax for any other Stata purpose. Nor would something
> like
> . linkplot score character, link(GRP) if task ==1,
>         plot(linkplot score character if task==2)
> work, for the reason given in my first sentence.
> I can't work out from Stephen's posting precisely what he wants.
> He refers to variables -character1-character5- but he
> is trying graph calls using -character-. Unless -character-
> is a separate variable there is no way that is going
> to work.
> I have to guess at this stage that Stephen is expecting from
> -linkplot- something that goes way beyond its specification.
> It should do what is claimed in its help, but no more.
> Further progress might depend on Stephen posting a sample
> dataset with precisely his kind of structure. What he wants
> will be plottable, but not necessarily with -linkplot-.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen
> ====================
> Overlaying graphs is done using the '||'-option between plots you want
> to overlay.
> Try something like this:
> linkplot score character if task==1, link(GRP) linepattern(solid) ||
> linkplot score character if task==2, link(GRP) linepattern(dot))
> Obs: everything should be written within the same line!
> Obs: I am not familiar with the linkplot command, and I do not know if
> the part of your command after the comma is correct. I have removed your
> specification of 'plot' as I can see that this option requires an
> argument, which I think might be the name of another plot you have
> previous saved.
> Stephen Cox (edited)
> ===========
> For each case, I have 2 (task 1, task 2) sets of 5 variables (character1
> - 5).
> I want to do a -linkplot- across the 5 character variables, one for each
> task
> set, but overlayed, and with a different line patterns for each tasks.
> I'm quite new to Stata, and can't work out how the -plot()- option
> works.
> The help seems to say it allows -twoway connected- graph options, but I
> keep
> getting error messages.
> I can't define line patterns, nor get the two sets of lines to go on the
> same
> graph. I am obviously not using the -plot()- options correctly here, but
> can't work out how.
> Here is one of the many many attempts I have had:
> . linkplot score character, link(GRP) plot (if task==1,
> linepattern(solid) if task==2, linepattern(dot))
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