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Re: st: foreach and postfile
Very many thanks Maarten it works very well! I had not come across the
very useful _rc before. I also added the option asis to the logit just
to capture the last few stragglers.
All the best
Maarten buis wrote:
--- Simon Moore <[email protected]> wrote:
I'm running something along the lines of:-
postfile coef id var1 var2 var3 using "`dir'\fit.dta", replace
foreach num of numlist 1(1)1000 {
qui logit expcont var1 var2 var3 if id == `num'
post coef (`num') (_b[var1]) (_b[var2]) (_b[var3])
postclose coef
occasionally the logit does not work as planned, gives an error (e.g.
"[var] not found") and the foreach loop grinds to a halt. I would
much rather capture the error somehow, post it to the file coef and
have the loop move onto the next iteration.
what about this:
*--------------- begin example -----------------
sysuse auto, clear
/*-logit- for foreign on the subsamples*/
/*rep78==1 and rep78==2 will fail*/
tab rep78 foreign
tempname memhold
tempfile results
postfile `memhold' id mpg ok using `results'
forvalues num = 1/5 {
capture logit foreign mpg if rep78 == `num'
if _rc > 0 {
post `memhold' (`num') (.) (0)
else {
post `memhold' (`num') (_b[mpg]) (1)
postclose `memhold'
use `results', clear
*-------------------- end example --------------------
(For more on how to use examples I sent to the Statalist, see
http://home.fsw.vu.nl/m.buis/stata/exampleFAQ.html )
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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