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st: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?

From   Stephen Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how do I overlay two linkplot graphs?
Date   Wed, 12 Dec 2007 14:54:15 +1000

 Folks - For each case, I have 2 (task 1, task 2) sets of 5 variables (character1 - 5). I want to do a linkplot across the 5 character variables, one for each task set, but overlayed, and with a different line patterns for each tasks.

I'm quite new to Stata, and can't work out how the plot option works. The help seems to say it allows twoway connected graph options, but I keep getting error messages.

I can't define line patterns, nor get the two sets of lines to go on the same graph. I am obviously not using the plot() options correctly here, but can't work out how.

Here is one of the many many attempts I have had:

.linkplot score character, link(GRP) plot (if task==1, linepattern(solid) if task==2, linepattern(dot))



Stephen Cox |

Faculty of Business | Queensland University of Technology | <> www.bus.qut <>
phone: +61 7 3138 1776 | Office: Z757 | email: [email protected] | CRICOS No. 00213J

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