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Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
Date   Fri, 26 Oct 2007 11:13:19 -0400

I didn't really look at your solution (sorry) but try:
input ID  matv rel06  yrschl06  sex06   married06
       1  1    1      11        1       1
       1  2    2      12        0       1
       1  3    3      21        1       0
       1  4    3      23        1       1
       1  5    3      7         0       1
       1  6    6      5         0       0
       1  7    3      12        1       1
       1  8    6      3         1       0
       2  1    1      32        0       1
       2  2    2      21        1       1
       2  3    3      13        1       1
       2  4    3      16        0       1
       2  5    6      6         0       0
       2  6    6      6         0       0
       2  7    7      7         0       1
       3  1    1      21        1       1
       3  2    3      13        0       0
       3  3    3      6         1       0
       3  4    4      6         0       1
       3  5    5      6         1       1
       4  1    1      23        1       1
       4  2    3      21        0       1
       4  3    3      15        1       1
       4  4    6      16        1       0
       4  5    6      6         1       0
       4  6    3      17        1       1
       4  7    6      6         0       0

*would like to get [both] parents' years of schooling
*for a member in a group (for example children or
*grandchildren, etc..).
*[apparently grandchildren follow their parents in
* order of matv within ID]

la def rel 1 "household head", modify
la def rel 2 "spouse of HH head", modify
la def rel 3 "child of HH head", modify
la def rel 4 "parent of HH head", modify
la def rel 5 "grandparent of HH head", modify
la def rel 6 "grandchild of HH head", modify
la def rel 7 "other relation", modify
la val rel rel
tempfile tmp
save `tmp'

*can't do anything with rel==7
drop if rel==7
gen byte gnr=5 if rel==6
replace gnr=4 if rel==3
replace gnr=3 if inlist(rel,1,2)
replace gnr=2 if rel==4
replace gnr=1 if rel==5
bys ID (matv): g subf=rel==3 & rel[_n-1]!=3
by ID: g sf=sum(subf)
replace sf=0 if gnr<4
* apparently grandpars not assoc w/parents
drop if rel==5
qui tab matv
loc maxi=r(r)
g fe=.
g me=.
g obs=_n
forv i=1/`maxi' {
loc c "gnr[_n-`i']==gnr-1 & (sf==sf[_n-`i'] | rel!=6)"
bys ID (sf gnr): replace fe=y[_n-`i'] if sex[_n-`i']==1 & `c'
bys ID (sf gnr): replace me=y[_n-`i'] if sex[_n-`i']==0 & `c'
la var fe "Father's educ"
la var me "Mother's educ"
joinby ID matv using `tmp', unm(both) update replace
sort ID matv
li ID rel06 yrs sex sf fe me, noo sepby(ID)

On 10/25/07, Nguyen Cong Minh <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to do one problem (Create variables summarizing for each individual
> properties of the other members of a group).
> I followed some guide in the Stata list, but I still get some wrong results.
> I found some hints on the Stata' website
> ( and a thread (looping
> over observations -mata-? in 2005).
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