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Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group

From   "Nguyen Cong Minh" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
Date   Fri, 26 Oct 2007 13:37:41 -0400

Hi Austin Nichols,

Thank you so much for your help. It is much better than my code. However, I
don't understand why grandparents of HH head are not associated with parents
of HH head. It seems that they are connected in the sense that we can get
data for (grandparents ) parents' parents of HH head? 

Here is the result after running your code:

  | ID                    rel06   yrschl06   sex06   sf   fe   me |
  |  1           household head         11       1    0    .    . |
  |  1        spouse of HH head         12       0    0    .    . |
  |  1         child of HH head         21       1    1   11   12 |
  |  1         child of HH head         23       1    1   11   12 |
  |  1         child of HH head          7       0    1   11   12 |
  |  1    grandchild of HH head          5       0    1   23    7 | <--
sometimes, I get wrong result here, e.g it gets 21 instead of 23, especially
when there are a lot of
unmarried child of HH head before married child & grandchild.
  |  1         child of HH head         12       1    2   11   12 |
  |  1    grandchild of HH head          3       1    2   12    . |
     3           household head         21       1    0    .    6 |
  |  3         child of HH head         13       0    1   21    . |
  |  3         child of HH head          6       1    1   21    . |
  |  3        parent of HH head          6       0    0    .    . | <-- it
should be 6 for father, right?
  |  3   grandparent of HH head          6       1    .    .    . |

My code also has this problem, and I don't know how to fix it yet. Do you
think I can add the married variable to specify more conditions such as
grandchild are associated/followed with married couple, but not with
unmarried members?

Thanks you so much for your great help.



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