(i) You could:
tempname out
file open `out' using rx_results.txt, write replace
file write `out' "Method" _tab "Effect" _tab "SE" _tab "t"
forv r=1/10 {
file write `out' _n "`: di "`r`r'c1'"'"
forv c=2/4 {
file write `out' _tab "`: di %4.3f `r`r'c`c'''"
file close `out'
(2) Yes, then \input{yourfile} in TeX.
On 10/24/07, Ronnie Babigumira <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Austin
Thanks for the reply. This completely new but exciting territory for me.
i) If I have 10 rows and 4 columns so what the locals are r1/r10 and c1/c4. How would I put this in a loop
ii) My plan is to typeset this in LaTeX so is it a simple matter of replacing the _tab with "&" and adding an extra line
with \\ to close the row.
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