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st: Table of results

From   Ronnie Babigumira <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Table of results
Date   Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:27:35 +0200

Dear Listers
I am estimating treatment effects using the -pscore-/-att*- suite of programs (Becker and Ichino, Stata Journal 2,4).

Each of the att* commands leaves behind among other results
- the treatment effect
- Standard error
- t value

though, the macro names are different so for example, for -attnd- they would be
effect: r(attnd)
se: r(seattnd)
t: r(tsattnd)

While -attr- we would have
effect: r(attr)
se: r(seattr)
t: r(tsattr)

I will be trying a number of options and would like to have all the results in one table that would look something like this one below

| method | effect | s_e | t |
| nearneigh | 1000 | 10 | 3 |
| | . | . | . |
| | . | . | . |

How can I do this in Stata

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