Maarten Buis wrote (excerpted):
. . . For more on this comparison, see the comments on this post:
One of the responders to that post wrote that Mata is "Yet Another Control
Language (they're not really programming languages . . .)".
I've been under the impression since my days using BMD and SPSS and later
using BMDP and SAS that a control language governs the execution of
procedures, as in the SAS programs that essentially invoke SAS PROCs.
In that sense, a control languages "aren't really a programming languages"
and I would on that basis assume that what I call a control language is what
that responder meant by the term, as well.
But that doesn't fit Mata at all.
Is anyone aware of another meaning of "control language" that would
reconcile this discrepancy?
Joseph Coveney
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