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st: permute xtmixed

From   Fotios Drenos <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: permute xtmixed
Date   Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:30:59 +0100

Dear All,
I am trying to run a permutation tests on an xtmixed command and I get a number of errors.

I am using the "use"; dataset:

The program for the xtmixed command is:

program test7, rclass
version 9
args dependent fac_week
xi: xtmixed `dependent' i.`fac_week' ||id: `fac_week', cov(unstruct)
assert e(converged)==1
testparm _I`fac_week'*
return scalar pgene=r(p)

and then using 0 , 1 , 2 or 3 as seeds I run the command:
permute weight t=r(pgene), reps(2) noi: test7 weight week

For seeds 0 1 and 2 problems arise during the permutation, while seed 3 seems to work.

I have used the assert e(converged)==1 after the xtmixed and fails for the first three seeds.

Is there something that I fail to see? Is there a specific reason while the xtmixed command is not converging?

All the best

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