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Re: st: fdasave question

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: fdasave question
Date   Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:15:18 -0700

E. Paul Wileyto wrote:

I've been trying to use fdasave, and create a .sas file and a .xpf file
with value labels using the val option.

Can anyone tell me where Stata puts the .sas and .xpf files?  They are
not going to the using directory.  They are not going to c:\data.  They
are not going to my SAS folder.  And when I search for them, they do not
appear to exist.


Stata seems to tell you where it's keeping all of the files, and it seems to
be just where you direct it to, even if by default.  See the lines below
that don't begin with a period (full stop) for the feedback that Stata gives
you during an -fdasave- command.  Is there something in the output text
that's different when you try the commands?

Joseph Coveney

. display in smcl as result "`c(pwd)'"

. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. fdasave F:\auto_foreign.xpt, rename vallabfile(both)
the following variable(s) were renamed in the output file:

                   displacement -> DISPLACE
                     gear_ratio -> GEAR_RAT

warning:  internally recorded dataset name was shortened to auto_for in

file F:\auto_foreign.xpt saved
file F:\ saved
file F:\formats.xpf saved

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