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st: Repeated Measures Manova contrasts

From   A Noyb <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Repeated Measures Manova contrasts
Date   Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:51:13 -0700 (PDT)

I ordinarily use SPSS, and am new to Stata; this is my
first  post to this list.  Could  anyone refer me to
resources for understanding the matrix command, more 
particularly for _laying out the contrast coefficients
depending on the  number of levels of the IV and DV in

I hope my questions  are proper ones for this list and
are not too basic.  I am doing a Manova and am most
interested in the time by treatment interaction.  I am
baffled by the  contrasts described in the worked
example at 
Any help in understanding how to write contrasts in
such a situation would be much appreciated.  The
Stata manual doesn't provide much guidance nor have
other web resources/our university library.  

Thank you,


Below is a more detailed description of the questions
I have about the worked example, and also about my own
data, in case anyone is inclined/willing to give their
two cents.  
input s a y1 y2 y3 y4
1 1 3 4 7  7
2 1 6 5 8  8
3 1 3 4 7  9
4 1 3 3 6  8
5 2 1 2 5 10
6 2 2 3 6 10
7 2 2 4 5  9
8 2 2 3 6 11
manova y1 y2 y3 y4 = a
mat ymat = (1,0,0,-1\0,1,0,-1\0,0,1,-1)
mat list ymat

I  don't understand how these coefficients measure the
interaction, it looks like they just compare each of
y1 to y3 in turn to y4.

My dataset has three repeat measurements of a number
of variables and several IVs of  differing levels.  
DVTime1  DVTime2  DVTime3  IV1 IV2                    
   3        4        3        1    1 
1        2        4        1    2 
2        1        5        1    3 
3        4        6        1    1 
3        5        4        2    2 
2        4        3        2    4 
3        1        5        2    2 
1        4        4        2    2 
3        4        4        2    1 

The main analysis I need to do looks at the
interaction of time  and IV1, which has 2 levels.  I
created a  matrix using the following
Mat ymat = (1,0,-1\0,1,-1)

However the output was quite different from the output
from  SPSS Manova for the very same data and analysis.
 Since I am more comfortable with SPSS, I  thought it
prudent to check my work before proceeding too far. 
What should the matrix be to look at the time by
treatment interaction?

The reason I am not using SPSS to do these analyses is
that  Stata is better suited to my non-normal data.  
(I ultimately plan to use the negative binomial option
on the Manova, once I get the bugs worked out.)
Thank you very much for any help you can give.

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