Stephen Jenkins and Philippe Van Kerm replied fully.
A footnote: -qplot- from SJ can plot "Pen's parade"
(for those wondering: a plot of ordered values versus
their ranks, rank 1 being highest).
[email protected]
Patrick W�hrle Guimar�es
> I would like to plot two Lorenz curves on the same graph from
> diferent years to compare evolution (I was reading a old post that say
> the best way to do this was to use glcurve with the option with twoway
> but Im trying to do this with no sucess).
> I was reading one paper that estimate Lorenz Curves Graph with IC in
> the graph and diference among two Lorenz curves (the graph) - i would
> like to know if there is a do-file to do this (maybe: SVYLORENZ).
> Alorenz plot the Lorenz curves (classical and General) and
> Pen Parade.
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