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st: multi-level modeling with multiple imputed data in STATA

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: multi-level modeling with multiple imputed data in STATA
Date   Thu, 15 Mar 2007 13:16:40 -0400

Hello -

I have a multi-level model with missing data at level 2 (school). I have used Amelia to impute multiple data sets to solve the missing data problem.

However, it doesn't appear that Stata supports multi-level modeling with any of the imputed data commands (mifit for example). It also does not appear that gllamm or xtmixed support multiple imputed data. Am I correct?

I would think that Stata can combine the variables from the imputed data sets into an average data set? Is this correct? If so, is this even prudent?

I would appreciate any comments.

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