On 1/3/07, David Doody <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'm trying to obtain the date of a text file. Actually, I need to
> compare the dates of two text files to confirm that one is newer than
> the other before I run a program. I'll be doing this for hundreds of
> subdirectories, so automating would be very useful. I know Stata can
> obtain the contents of a directory (using an extended macro function)
> but all I've been able to get from that are file names and directory
> names. Am I missing something with that function, or is there another
> easy way to obtain this information? Thanks for any insights!
there exists a program called -dirlist- which was written by Morten
Andersen. This program returns not only filenames but also other file
information. Try -ssc describe dirlist- from within Stata to learn
more about its functions. To install the programm you can enter -ssc
install dirlist- in the command window of Stata.