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Re: st: re: a wish list for Statalist

From   "Sebastian F. B�chte" <>
Subject   Re: st: re: a wish list for Statalist
Date   Thu, 4 Jan 2007 02:49:16 +0100

On 1/4/07, Richard Williams <> wrote:
At 02:57 PM 1/3/2007, Jeremy Miles wrote:
>Starting a Wiki is very straightforward:
>There is an SPSS wiki there:

The wiki idea is intriguing and could be done regardless of any
changes in Statalist.  Having said that, I just looked at the SPSS
wiki, and almost every link I clicked on said "You've followed a link
to a page that doesn't exist yet."  (The Marvel Comics Wiki is kind
of nice though!)  To make this idea fly, I suspect you either need

I repost my earlier email since I just demonstrated - at least in my
googlmail webmail frontend - how to unwillingly create a new thread:

--reposted content:

Here are some of my thoughts on the topic:

A web based forum sounds like good idea, yet the use of such a forum
would require interested individuals to have access to the web AND to
email. The latter would most likely be necessary in order to register
with the forum. While email access is already a prerequisite for using
statalist the requirement of having access to the web would introduce
a new one. I can imagine that not everyone actually has such access. I
would consider this a disadvantage of a web based forum. The same
holds for the wiki idea. Further, I would expect a greater amount of
administrative work in order to keep a web forum or a wiki functional
and working in comparison to maintaining a mailing list. Also the
users of a web based forum would be asked to invest time into the
understanding of the forum's structure. In case of a Stata wiki, every
poster more or less would have to learn about editing the wiki pages.
Currently, anyone feeling competent to answer a question or to give
her or his thoughts on a posted problem can easily post to the list
using an email client or a webmailer. This is to me a great advantage
which should always be considered when thinking about moving on to a
new level.

I subscribed to statalist some two years ago and I am using my
googlemail account for it and personally I am very pleased with the
combination of both. The issue I would like to draw attention to is:
"please stick to the original subject". By this I mean removing
unnecessary re:, RE:, fwd:, etc. before one posts a reply to the list.
I think this would very much facilitate following the original post
and its replies on statalist.

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