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st: Obtaining the date of a text file

From   "David Doody" <>
Subject   st: Obtaining the date of a text file
Date   Wed, 3 Jan 2007 13:07:22 -0800

Hi everyone,

I apologize if this has been answered previously - I couldn't find it
via any searches I tried. [I'm also reposting this, as I'm not sure it
went through successfully yesterday.]

I'm trying to obtain the date of a text file.  Actually, I need to
compare the dates of two text files to confirm that one is newer than
the other before I run a program.  I'll be doing this for hundreds of
subdirectories, so automating would be very useful.  I know Stata can
obtain the contents of a directory (using an extended macro function)
but all I've been able to get from that are file names and directory
names.  Am I missing something with that function, or is there another
easy way to obtain this information?  Thanks for any insights!

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