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Re: st: logistic regression and outreg: how to display standardized factor change

From   "Tim Wade" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: logistic regression and outreg: how to display standardized factor change
Date   Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:03:34 -0400

I don't know how to do this in outreg, but it can be done using
"estout" in combination with "estadd". If you want to create your own
measures to be displayed, like perecentage change, you can add the
saved results you want using "eret2"

here's an example from a program:

foreach var of.....{

ologit `var' `exp' age educatio sex pest5rec smoke
			eret2 scalar betaxsd=exp(_b[`exp']*`sd'), replace
			estimates store `var'$count
			estadd, stats(beta)

estout * using models.txt, drop(_cons) cells(b(star fmt(%9.7f))
ci(lab("95% CI") fmt(%9.7f)) p(lab("p-value") fmt(%9.7f)))
stats(betaxsd N chi2 p ll ll_0) replace  legend varlabels(_cons
Constant) starlevels(+ 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01 *** 0.001 **** 0.0001)
label unstack

Hope this helps. Tim

On 9/13/06, Lutter, Mark <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear all.

One fast question regarding "outreg":

In a logistic regression model, how is it possible to let outreg display
the standardized factor change (which you get via "listcoef") instead of
the default (unstandardized) factor change? And by the way, how can I
let it display the percentage change?

Thanks a lot!


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