so far I was using outreg to produce my estimation tables but since I
would like to add much more than 4 statistics it was recommended in an
earlier posting to switch to estout.
I would like to add at the bottom of the estimation table the count for
all observation (that’s easy), the count for the observations in the
treatment group and the count for those in the control group.
Using outreg I defined a scalar and called it in the addstat option.
But how can I do this in estout if estout does not store additional scalars?
Any suggestions?
Hans J. Baumgartner DIW Berlin
German Institute for Economic Research
Dept. Public Economics
Königin-Luise-Str. 5; 14195 Berlin; Germany
Tel.: +49/30/89789-307
Fax.: +49/30/89789-114