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st: clustered standard errors in quantile regressions

From   Giovanni Pica <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: clustered standard errors in quantile regressions
Date   Mon, 11 Apr 2005 08:38:47 +0100

Dear all,

a question on bootstrapping using the cluster option. I need to estimate the
following quantile regression:

w = a + bZ + e

where w is the wage of individual i in state s at time t; Z is the
unemployment rate in state s at time t.

In a standard OLS regression the standard error of the coefficient b should
obviously be clustered at the s,t level i.e. cluster(state_year).

The problem is that I estimate a quantile regression:

bs "qreg w Z, q(.90)" "_b[Z]", cluster(state_year)

Does this provide clustered standard errors in the quantile regression

Thanks a lot.

giovanni pica

Economics Division - School of Social Sciences
University of Southampton
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