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st: RE: blabels in stacked bar-graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: blabels in stacked bar-graph
Date   Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:19:58 +0100

I don't know a way to do this. A different kind 
of answer, which possibly you don't want, is 
to change to a different graph type, for it's the
stacking of small and large bars that is causing
the difficulty. For example, with the auto data, I can go 

tabplot foreign mpg, percent(foreign) 

bysort foreign rep78 : gen freq = _N 

bysort foreign : gen base = _N 

gen percent = round(100 * freq / base) 

gen foreign2 = 1.95 - foreign 

tabplot foreign rep78 , percent(foreign)  scheme(lean1) plot(scatter foreign2 
	rep78, ms(none) mlabel(percent) mlabpos(0)) 

The 1.95 here is not general. A more general rule 
would be #categories - 0.05. (In -foreign-, 2 categories.) 

I guess your underlying problem has the structure of 

	vgrup X v2 

and the -vgrup?- are just a set of dummies. 

So your recipe could be something like this. 

-tabplot- is on SSC. There is a discussion in Stata Journal 

[email protected] 

Jette Schroeder

> I have a problem with the bar-labels of the following stacked 
> bar-graph. The
> blabels appear within the bars even when the percentage of 
> the group is so
> small, that the resulting area is too small to display the 
> number. If for
> example v1grup3 has 0 percent, the 0 appears in the area of v1grup2.
> Can I tell Stata to label the parts of the bar only if the 
> percentage is
> over let's say 10?
>    graph bar v1grup1 v1grup2 v1grup3 v1grup4, scheme(mine) 
> over(v2) stack
> percentage
>    blabel(bar,position(inside)format(%2.0f))

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