frontier lnva lntoe lnshcap lndcap if(europe==1), distribution(tnormal) from(lntoe=0.4 lnshcap=0.2 lndcap=0.3)
For some reason, I am stuck with thousands of iteration at the same log-likelihood value with a message (not concave) and this goes on and on for hours. I have referrred to the manual and understood that specifying the difficult option might help, but it's not. I have tried the gradient option as well, but isn't helpful either. The worrying thing is that I have a friend who is running the same command on his laptop using the same dataset, and his process converges after 24 iterations. The 23rd and 24th iteration have the same value, which I believe, should, at this point stop the convergence and produce the results. But the 25th and all other iterations are taking the same value as the 24th iteration, and producing the same message "(not concave)"
The only difference between me and my friend is I am using stata version 8.2 and he is using version 8.0. I tried running it under version 8.0 as well, but in vain. Can anybody please help in explaining what could be causing the problem? Could it be down to PC capabilities or some setting within my PC? I am operating stata under windows 98.
Many thanks for your help.
>>> [email protected] 06/21/04 04:40pm >>>
Almost 26,000 ado-files were downloaded from SSC in May, representing
the efforts of 141 members of the Stata user community. The details:
npkghit author package
1. 336.00 David Roodman XTABOND2
2. 286.67 Edwin Leuven PSMATCH2
3. 286.67 Barbara Sianesi PSMATCH2
4. 263.00 John Luke Gallup OUTREG
5. 210.71 Sophia Rabe-Hesketh GLLAMM
6. 202.00 Nicholas J. Cox WINSOR
7. 184.50 Nicholas J. Cox LEVELS
8. 171.50 Steven Stillman IVREG2
9. 171.50 Christopher F Baum IVREG2
10. 171.50 Mark E Schaffer IVREG2
11. 164.00 Ben Jann ESTOUT
12. 130.00 Richard Sperling WNTSTMVQ
13. 130.00 Christopher F Baum WNTSTMVQ
14. 128.00 Patrick Joly JOHANS
15. 128.00 Fred Wolfe QSIM
16. 128.00 Charles Morris JOHANS
17. 128.00 Ken Heinecke JOHANS
18. 120.00 Stephen P. Jenkins INEQDECO
19. 117.00 Fabian Bornhorst IPSHIN
20. 117.00 Christopher F Baum IPSHIN
21. 114.50 Enzo Coviello STKERHAZ
22. 113.50 Christopher F Baum MVSUMM
23. 113.50 Nicholas J. Cox MVSUMM
24. 112.57 Patrick Joly VECECM
25. 105.00 Nicholas J. Cox WHITETST
26. 105.00 Christopher F Baum WHITETST
27. 103.00 David Roodman ABAR
28. 98.09 Nicholas J. Cox TAB_CHI
29. 96.00 Joseph Harkness IVPROB-IVTOBIT
30. 96.00 J. Scott Long FITSTAT
31. 96.00 Christopher F Baum LEVINLIN
32. 96.00 Fabian Bornhorst LEVINLIN
33. 96.00 Jeremy Freese FITSTAT
34. 94.50 Silvia Montoya GINIDESC
35. 94.50 Roger Aliaga GINIDESC
36. 93.00 Gregorio Impavido JB6
37. 93.00 J. Sky David JB6
38. 92.38 Patrick Joly VARLAG
39. 91.00 Nicholas Oulton PANTEST2
40. 90.20 Christopher F Baum VECAR
41. 86.67 Enzo Coviello STCOMPET
42. 85.00 Jens M. Lauritsen VENNDIAG
43. 84.00 Steven Stillman OVERID
44. 84.00 Mark E Schaffer OVERID
45. 84.00 Vince Wiggins OVERID
46. 84.00 Rory Wolfe OMODEL
47. 84.00 Christopher F Baum OVERID
48. 82.67 Christopher F Baum OMNINORM
49. 80.00 Vince Wiggins BPAGAN
50. 80.00 Christopher F Baum BPAGAN
51. 79.00 Nicholas J. Cox MATMAP
52. 78.00 Christopher F Baum XTTEST2
53. 73.50 Antoine Terracol OUTTEX
54. 73.00 Christopher F Baum BGTEST
55. 73.00 Vince Wiggins BGTEST
56. 72.75 Christopher F Baum VECAR6
57. 72.75 Patrick Joly VECAR6
58. 69.00 Christopher F Baum IVENDOG
59. 69.00 Adrian Mander IPF
60. 69.00 Mark E Schaffer IVENDOG
61. 69.00 Steven Stillman IVENDOG
62. 68.00 Christopher F Baum HADRILM
63. 66.50 Vincent Kang Fu GOLOGIT
64. 66.00 Christopher F Baum MADFULLER
65. 65.00 Christopher F Baum IVGMM0
66. 65.00 David M. Drukker IVGMM0
67. 61.00 Christopher F Baum ARIMAFIT
68. 61.00 Vince Wiggins HECKMAN2
69. 61.00 Christopher F Baum XTTEST3
70. 60.50 Nicholas J. Cox CATPLOT
71. 59.49 Nicholas J. Cox EGENMORE
72. 59.33 Christopher F Baum PANELUNIT
73. 58.50 Nicholas J. Cox TABLEPLOT
74. 58.00 Michael Mitchell XI3
75. 58.00 Philip B. Ender XI3
76. 58.00 Fabian Bornhorst NHARVEY
77. 58.00 Christopher F Baum NHARVEY
78. 58.00 Roger Newson PARMEST
79. 57.00 Antoine Terracol SUTEX
80. 56.57 Christopher F Baum PANELAUTO
81. 56.00 Stephen P. Jenkins POVDECO
82. 54.00 Vince Wiggins OVERIDXT
83. 54.00 Steven Stillman OVERIDXT
84. 54.00 Gregorio Impavido JB
85. 54.00 Christopher F Baum OVERIDXT
86. 54.00 J. Sky David JB
87. 53.00 Philippe Van Kerm POVERTY
88. 53.00 Nicholas J. Cox TABPLOT
89. 52.00 Nicholas J. Cox KERNREG2
90. 52.00 Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte KERNREG2
91. 52.00 Toru Taniuchi KERNREG2
92. 52.00 Nicholas J. Cox EXTREMES
93. 51.33 Stephen P. Jenkins MVPROBIT
94. 51.33 Lorenzo Cappellari MVPROBIT
95. 51.00 Philippe Van Kerm INEQUAL7
96. 50.00 Ken Heinecke MLCOINT
97. 48.67 Nicholas J. Cox CIRCULAR
98. 47.00 Jesper B. Sorensen STPIECE
99. 46.00 Toru Taniuchi KERNREG1
100. 46.00 Jeroen Weesie HAUSMAN
101. 46.00 Xavi Ramos KERNREG1
102. 46.00 Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte KERNREG1
103. 46.00 Jeroen Weesie WHITE
104. 45.00 Thomas Steichen CONCORD
105. 45.00 Nicholas J. Cox CONCORD
106. 45.00 Patrick Joly GCAUSE
107. 45.00 Richard Sperling DFGLS
108. 45.00 Christopher F Baum DFGLS
109. 44.00 Nicholas J. Cox KEYPLOT
110. 43.50 Jonah B. Gelbach PROBITIV
111. 43.00 Christopher F Baum PROBEXOG-TOBEXOG
112. 42.67 Adrian Mander HAPIPF
113. 42.00 Dan Blanchette SHORTDIR
114. 41.00 Christopher F Baum KPSS
115. 41.00 Roger Newson LISTTEX
116. 41.00 Nick Winter MKTAB
117. 40.00 Dan Blanchette CONFIRMDIR
118. 40.00 Christopher F Baum ZANDREWS
119. 39.00 Dan Blanchette TMPDIR
120. 39.00 Stephen P. Jenkins INEQDEC0
121. 38.00 Thomas Steichen DUPS
122. 38.00 Mike Bradburn METAAGGR
123. 38.00 Doug Altman METAAGGR
124. 38.00 Nicola Orsini ROCSS
125. 38.00 Nicholas J. Cox DUPS
126. 38.00 Thomas Steichen METAAGGR
127. 38.00 Jon Deeks METAAGGR
128. 38.00 Matteo Bottai ROCSS
129. 38.00 Nicholas J. Cox ADJACENT
130. 37.00 Nicholas J. Cox FS
131. 37.00 Nicholas J. Cox HBAR
132. 37.00 Jens M. Lauritsen PYRAMID
133. 36.50 Antoine Terracol TRIPROBIT
134. 36.00 Nicholas J. Cox HPLOT
135. 36.00 Mark E Schaffer IVHETTEST
136. 35.50 John Hendrickx MCL
137. 35.50 Nicholas J. Cox TRIPLOT
138. 35.00 Philippe Van Kerm INEQUAL2
139. 34.00 Vince Wiggins ARCHLM
140. 34.00 Markus Gangl RBOUNDS
141. 34.00 Jeroen Weesie IIA
142. 34.00 Christopher F Baum BETACOEF
143. 34.00 Vince Wiggins REG3
144. 34.00 Christopher F Baum ARCHLM
145. 33.67 Ian Watson DECOMP
146. 33.00 John Luke Gallup OUTREG5
147. 33.00 Paul Seed XTGRAPH
148. 32.00 Stephen P. Jenkins GLCURVE7
149. 32.00 Nicholas J. Cox CATENATE
150. 32.00 Jonah B. Gelbach TOBITIV
151. 32.00 Philippe Van Kerm GLCURVE7
152. 31.50 Nicholas J. Cox ORDPLOT
153. 31.43 Dan Blanchette USESAS
154. 31.00 Nicholas J. Cox CIPLOT
155. 31.00 Joseph Coveney VANELTEREN
156. 31.00 David Clayton HOTDECK
157. 31.00 Philippe Van Kerm MCA
158. 31.00 Adrian Mander HOTDECK
159. 31.00 Stephen P. Jenkins SPSURV
160. 30.43 Dan Blanchette SAVASAS
161. 30.00 Nicholas J. Cox STRPARSE
162. 30.00 Christopher F Baum OUTTABLE
163. 30.00 Michael Blasnik STRPARSE
164. 30.00 Christopher F Baum BKING
165. 30.00 Ian Watson LATAB
(remaining 590 entries suppressed, but included in computations below)
author npkghit
1. Nicholas J. Cox 3815.00
2. Christopher F Baum 2619.52
3. Vince Wiggins 569.00
4. Roger Newson 546.83
5. Stephen P. Jenkins 515.00
6. Patrick Joly 477.71
7. David Roodman 462.50
8. Steven Stillman 404.50
9. Mark E Schaffer 360.50
10. Thomas Steichen 328.40
11. John Luke Gallup 313.00
12. Edwin Leuven 305.67
13. Enzo Coviello 299.17
14. Fred Wolfe 298.67
15. Barbara Sianesi 286.67
16. Jan Brogger 285.60
17. Fabian Bornhorst 271.00
18. Adrian Mander 253.67
19. Nick Winter 243.28
20. Philippe Van Kerm 237.00
21. Dan Blanchette 231.86
22. Sophia Rabe-Hesketh 226.71
23. Gregorio Impavido 215.00
24. Patrick Royston 211.87
25. Richard Sperling 206.00
26. Ben Jann 185.50
27. Antoine Terracol 184.00
28. Michael Blasnik 183.00
29. Ken Heinecke 178.00
30. Jeroen Weesie 177.00
31. Jens M. Lauritsen 173.00
32. Zhiqiang Wang 162.00
33. J. Sky David 147.00
34. Herve M. Caci 133.00
35. Charles Morris 128.00
36. Joseph Harkness 124.00
37. Joanne M. Garrett 123.00
38. John Hendrickx 122.30
39. Joseph Hilbe 114.83
40. Philip Ryan 114.00
41. Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte 110.40
42. Toru Taniuchi 98.00
43. Stanislav Kolenikov 97.00
44. J. Scott Long 96.00
45. Jeremy Freese 96.00
46. William W. Gould 94.67
47. Roger Aliaga 94.50
48. Silvia Montoya 94.50
49. Rory Wolfe 94.00
50. Ulrich Kohler 91.50
51. Nicholas Oulton 91.00
52. Bill Sribney 84.33
53. Philip B. Ender 82.00
54. Nicola Orsini 79.00
55. Jonah B. Gelbach 75.50
56. Ian Watson 71.67
57. Paul Seed 71.50
58. Tony Brady 71.00
59. Matteo Bottai 70.00
60. Vincent Kang Fu 66.50
61. David M. Drukker 65.00
62. Michael Mitchell 58.00
63. Mario Cleves 56.00
64. Gary Longton 55.00
65. David E. Moore 55.00
66. Eileen Wright 52.10
67. Lorenzo Cappellari 51.33
68. Fred Zimmerman 49.50
69. Jean-Benoit Hardouin 49.00
70. Abdel G. Babiker 48.00
71. D. H. Judson 47.33
72. Jesper B. Sorensen 47.00
73. Xavi Ramos 46.00
74. Joseph Coveney 45.00
75. Aurelio Tobias 44.00
76. Guy D. van Melle 44.00
77. Paul H. Bern 44.00
78. Joao Pedro Azevedo 42.50
79. Bill Rising 41.00
80. Doug Altman 38.00
81. Mike Bradburn 38.00
82. Jon Deeks 38.00
83. Markus Gangl 34.00
84. Jesper Sorensen 33.67
85. David Kantor 32.90
86. Jose Maria Sanchez Saez 32.00
87. Peter Sasieni 31.67
88. David Clayton 31.00
89. Aijing Shang 28.00
90. Michael Hills 27.40
91. Jisheng Cui 26.00
92. John R. Gleason 26.00
93. Lee E. Sieswerda 25.00
94. Glenn Hoetker 25.00
95. Jeph Herrin 25.00
96. Anders Alexandersson 24.67
97. Desmond E. Williams 24.00
98. Richard Williams 24.00
99. Eduard Pelz 24.00
100. Kenneth Higbee 23.00
101. Jonathan Sterne 21.00
102. John Moran 21.00
103. Kevin McKinney 20.00
104. Phil Bardsley 20.00
106. Allen Buxton 19.00
107. P.T.Seed 18.00
108. Mark Lunt 18.00
109. Sean F. Reardon 18.00
110. George M. Hoffman 17.00
111. Svend Juul 17.00
112. Tairi Room 15.00
113. Hung-Jen Wang 15.00
114. Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen 15.00
115. Joshua H. Sarver 14.00
116. Dean Judson 13.50
117. Svend Kreiner 13.00
118. Makoto Shimizu 12.40
119. Roberto G. Gutierrez 12.00
120. John Carlin 12.00
121. Steffen Kuehnel 11.00
122. Richard Goldstein 11.00
123. Gero Lipsmeier 11.00
124. Philip Price 10.60
125. Al Feiveson 10.50
126. W. Dale Plummer Jr. 10.00
127. Stephen Soldz 10.00
128. William D. Dupont 10.00
129. Eric Zbinden 9.00
130. Hilde Schaeper 9.00
131. James Hardin 9.00
132. Henrik Stovring 8.00
133. James W. Hardin 8.00
134. Frauke Kreuter 7.50
135. E. Paul Wileyto 7.33
136. Ross Odell 7.00
137. R. Allan Reese 6.33
138. Bear F. Braumoeller 5.67
139. Ning Li 2.67
140. John B. Carlin 2.67
141. Carolyn Coffey 2.67
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