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Re: st: Reshaping data from long to wide

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Reshaping data from long to wide
Date   Mon, 12 Apr 2004 20:05:31 +0930

I don't immediately see a _very_ easy way, but this seems to work:

. list

     | id   X1Y1Z1   X1Y1Z2   X1Y2Z1   X2Y1Z5   X2Y2Z6 |
  1. |  1       10       20       30       40       50 |
  2. |  2       10       20       30       40       50 |

The trick is to reconstruct your variable names by placing the x,y and 
z "coordinates" (in that order) at the end of the variable name, so that a 
subsequent -reshape- command has something valid to grab:

. foreach var of varlist _all {
  2. local s1 = substr("`var'", 2,1)
  3. local s2 = substr("`var'", 4,1)
  4. local s3 = substr("`var'", 6,1)
  5. rename `var'  score`s1'`s2'`s3'
  6. }

. rename scored id  // oops, _all was a bit too inclusive!
. li

     | id   score111   score112   score121   score215   score226 |
  1. |  1         10         20         30         40         50 |
  2. |  2         10         20         30         40         50 |

. reshape long score , i(id) j(xyz)
. sort id
. li

     | id   xyz   score |
  1. |  1   111      10 |
  2. |  1   112      20 |
  3. |  1   121      30 |
  4. |  1   215      40 |
  5. |  1   226      50 |
  6. |  2   111      10 |
  7. |  2   112      20 |
  8. |  2   121      30 |
  9. |  2   215      40 |
 10. |  2   226      50 |

Now break up xyz into its components, here is one way:

. gen x = int(xyz/100)
. gen y = int((xyz-100*x)/10)
. gen z = xyz - ((100*x)+(10*y))
. li

     | id   xyz   score   x   y   z |
  1. |  1   111      10   1   1   1 |
  2. |  1   112      20   1   1   2 |
  3. |  1   121      30   1   2   1 |
  4. |  1   215      40   2   1   5 |
  5. |  1   226      50   2   2   6 |
  6. |  2   111      10   1   1   1 |
  7. |  2   112      20   1   1   2 |
  8. |  2   121      30   1   2   1 |
  9. |  2   215      40   2   1   5 |
 10. |  2   226      50   2   2   6 |

I hope this helps.


Quoting Pradeep Kurukulasuriya <[email protected]>:

> I would be most grateful for some help with the syntax for reshaping
> data from wide to long. I have not previously used the reshape and stack
> commands much so i am unfamiliar with them. 
> Basically what i trying to do is stack/reshape the following variables,
> x[i]y[j]z[k] where i={1,3}, j={1,2} and k={1,2,3,4,5,6}. These are
> variables which reference crop values in season (x), plot (y) and
> croptype (z).
> So if the data looks something like this:
> id    X1Y1Z1 	    X1Y1Z2     X1Y2Z1    	X2Y1Z5  	  X2Y2Z6
> 1        10            20            30            40            50
> 2        10            20            30            40            50
> .....
> and i am trying to get to this:
> id        season    	plot        crop      value
> 1            1            1            1        10
> 1            1            1            2        20
> 1            1            2            1        30
> 1            2            1            5        40                    
> 1            2            2            6        50
> 2            1            1            1        10
> 2            1            1            2        20 
> 2            1            2            1        30
> 2            2            1            5        50
> etc....
> Thanks
> Pradeep
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
> Yale University -School of Forestry and Environment
> Email: [email protected]
> Tel/fax: 718-623 0835 (home)
> Mobile: 718 938 9965
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health

Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences

Head, Data Management and Analysis Centre
Department of Public Health and Department of General Practice

University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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