Thank you, -catplot- is easier to use than -graph bar- because
several steps can be skipped. Another advantage is that -catplot-
works with numeric values and strings.
However, with -graph bar yvars, over(varname) stack- it is possible
to stack the bars in a specific order by varying the order in which
the yvars are listed.
. sysuse auto
. tab rep78, gen(rep)
. graph bar rep3 rep4 rep5 rep1 rep2, over(foreign) stack percent
Can the same be accomplished with -catplot-?
Thank you.
Friedrich Huebler
--- Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Another way to do it is (in total)
> . catplot bar rep78 for , percent(for) asyvars stack
> blabel(bar, pos(center) format(%3.2f))
> where I've added a format control. Here -catplot- can be
> installed from SSC.
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