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Re: st: data management

From   "R.E. De Hoyos" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: data management
Date   Wed, 18 Feb 2004 10:15:30 -0000


For exporting results (tables) to excel of word see the previous statalist
question named "saving table results" (check Friederich's answer).

Richard already answer the second question.

Your third question:
3) I am using weights:
so generally I write

tabstat variable [aweight=weight] by variable....

Is there any way I can use weights without including
it in the tabstat command? I want to run a bunch of
summary table, would like to use weights for all of

Try the svy commands (help -svy-). You can set different weights
using -svyset- and once you've done this Stata will use them as long as you
use the prefix -svy- with other valid commands. For example you can
use -svytab- or -svysum- and it will give you two-way tables and summary
statistics of survey data (or other type needing re-weighting) respectively.


R.E. De Hoyos
Department of Applied Economics
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, CB3 9DE, UK
Tel: +44 1223 335269

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Williams" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:27 AM
Subject: Re: st: data management

> At 02:12 PM 2/17/2004 -0800, Anuja Saurkar wrote:
> >2)I want to convert a SPSS file (.sav extension) into
> >a Stata file. Is there any way I can fo that?
> The easiest way is with a program like Stat/Transfer; well worth the money
> if you are going to be doing this a lot, as it is easy and will preserve
> your labels and handle quirky differences in the way the two programs
> handle things (e.g. missing data). (But check to make sure you like the
> it handles quirky differences, e.g. there are a couple of ways of handling
> missing data conversions.)
> Alternatively, -findit spss- points to routines like -outdat- that will
> make the conversion one way or another.
> I also have fairly good luck just cutting and pasting from SPSS's data
> editor to Stata's; I'm not sure that you can count on that to handle all
> types of conversions though.
> You can also do "Save as" in SPSS, choosing a format that Stata can
> import.  Not sure which options are easiest.
> >3) I am using weights:
> >so generally I write
> >
> >tabstat variable [aweight=weight] by variable....
> >
> >Is there any way I can use weights without including
> >it in the tabstat command? I want to run a bunch of
> >summary table, would like to use weights for all of
> >them.
> I suspect not, but I am curious too.  A difference that strikes me between
> SPSS and Stata is that, in SPSS, I can specify weights or filters (i.e.
> temporary sample selections) and they continue to hold until I tell SPSS
> otherwise; in Stata I have to keep on specifying the weights or filters
> with every command.
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