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st: -tabplot- updated on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -tabplot- updated on SSC
Date   Wed, 18 Feb 2004 09:53:52 -0000

Thanks to Kit Baum, the -tabplot- program has been updated on SSC. 

-tabplot- is for Stata 8. It shows a two-way table as a table of
bars.  It also has some use for producing multiple histograms.

-tabplot- with two variables follows the standard tabular
alignment: the categories of the first variable define rows from
top (low values) to bottom (high values) and the categories of the
second variable define columns from left (low values) to right
(high values). The frequency (fraction, percent) of each
combination of row and column is shown as a bar, with default
alignment vertical and default width 0.5. 

The display is deliberately minimal. No numeric scales are shown
for reading off numeric values. Above all, there is no facility
for any kind of three-dimensional display or effect. The maximum
value shown is indicated by use of -note()-.

Use of -tabplot- for display of multiple histograms is explained
in the on-line help. The results differ from those of -histogram-
in being displayed within a single panel. Sometimes -histogram- 
or -twoway histogram- struggles with more than about 4 groups, as 
the design doesn't leave much space for the histograms themselves. 

Until just now the -tabplot- package on SSC held the first version,
written in 1999 for Stata 6, which has similar but not identical 
syntax and functionality. That remains available to users of Stata 6 
and Stata 7, but will not be further developed by me. The advent 
of Stata 8 presented both the means and the opportunity for a complete 
rewrite. Also, I was mindful of -catplot- on SSC and tried to make 
syntax as close as possible to that. 

(For Stata programmers and any curious: -tabplot6-, despite its 
pretention of showing bars, was just a scatter plot with the 
corners of the bars as data points, which were joined up in 
precisely the right sequence, courtesy of a particular sort order 
and -c(L)-. The give-away was that the bars were unshaded; there 
was no handle for varying that. What is now -graph7, bar- was not 
flexible enough to produce the display wanted. 

In contrast, -tabplot- is now built on top of -twoway rbar-. 
Its main function is thus to calculate bar heights and positions
and then hand that information to -twoway rbar-. With the 
many handles provided by -twoway-, -tabplot- has more flexibility
than its version 6 predecessor.) 

To install use -ssc- as usual. 

[email protected] 

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