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Re: st: data management

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: data management
Date   Wed, 18 Feb 2004 06:49:45 -0500

At 10:15 AM 2/18/2004 +0000, R.E. De Hoyos wrote:
Is there any way I can use weights without including
it in the tabstat command? I want to run a bunch of
summary table, would like to use weights for all of

Try the svy commands (help -svy-). You can set different weights
using -svyset- and once you've done this Stata will use them as long as you
use the prefix -svy- with other valid commands. For example you can
use -svytab- or -svysum- and it will give you two-way tables and summary
statistics of survey data (or other type needing re-weighting) respectively.
Good idea for many cases -- but in this case the desire was to use aweights, which are not included in the svy commands, are they?

To educate myself here -- In practice, am I correct in saying that using the svy commands would force the use of robust standard errors, whereas you would not need to use robust standard errors if you used the aw parameter on each separate command?

Put another way, am I correct in saying that

[aw = wgt], robust


[pw = wgt]


[pw = wgt], robust

all produce the same results? i.e. aw and pw basically do the same adjustments, but pw forces the use of robust standard errors?

Of course, for something like tables, maybe it doesn't really matter whether you use aw or pw, i.e. if he uses the svytab command using pw=wgt, he'll get the same results as if he had used tabstat with aw = wgt?

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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