Ernest Berkhout.
> Also I recognized that during the reshape, the CPU usage on a
> Windows2000-system is only 30-50%, and the memory usage is only 25% of max.
> Of course 'set virtual' is turned off. At the same time, reading and
> writing to disc is quite heavy. From this I deduced that the best way to
> speed up the process is to speed up the reading/writing to disk, as this
> seems to be the bottleneck.
> This raises the question of how that can be done best, and why Stata does
> not use the whole off the available memory. Is it possible to specify on
> which disk or directory Stata writes its temporary files, for instance?
Maybe you could speed up this operation by increasing the available memory
to use by Stata. Try -query memory- , -memory- and -help memory- for more
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University &
National Institute for
Psychosocial Medicine
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