Dear Stata-Listers,
I am trying to define income quartiles and then create dummies (for each quartile).
With the help of the program statsmat I have stored the values for the borders of the quartiles in a small [1,3]matrix.
But based on this step, how can I construct dummies, i.e. how can I make Stata compare my income variable to the value in a particular cell of this matrix ??
( it is the first time I do such a thing and apologize for the simplicity of my problem)
Yours sincerely,
Dipl.Vw. Justina A.V. Fischer,
Research Associate
SIAW - University of St. Gallen
Dufourstr. 48
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel.:++41-71-224 2345
Fax: ++41-71-224 2298