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st: Speed issues / which disk for tempfiles

From   Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Speed issues / which disk for tempfiles
Date   Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:00:23 +0100

Hi all,

I like to share some thought mainly on speeding up Stata, in particular the reshape-command. Presently I run a do-file in which i ask Stata 8.2 to do some reshaping, including the reshape of some str244-variables. The original file is 350.000 obs, the reshaped file somewhere about 6000 obs. Of course this takes a very long time (about 10 minutes) and I'm looking for tips to shorten this type of tasks.

I already discovered that quite a gain can be made if i split the data set in half, then do a reshape on both subsets, and then merge them together.

Also I recognized that during the reshape, the CPU usage on a Windows2000-system is only 30-50%, and the memory usage is only 25% of max. Of course 'set virtual' is turned off. At the same time, reading and writing to disc is quite heavy. From this I deduced that the best way to speed up the process is to speed up the reading/writing to disk, as this seems to be the bottleneck.

This raises the question of how that can be done best, and why Stata does not use the whole off the available memory. Is it possible to specify on which disk or directory Stata writes its temporary files, for instance?

Ernest Berkhout
Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
Universiteit van Amsterdam

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"To an economist, real life is a special case"

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