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st: Suspend a procedure and restart it without loosing all thecalculation made before

From   Jean-Fran�ois Godin<[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Suspend a procedure and restart it without loosing all thecalculation made before
Date   Tue, 07 Oct 2003 14:08:39 -0400

Title: Suspend a procedure and restart it without loosing all the calculation made before
I everyone,

I have a large dataset (over 200,000 observations) and I’m using a random effects model with the command GLLAMM. Has you know GLLAMM is a special subroutine ado-file which can take a very long time to estimate a random effects model (in my case with adaptive quadrature estimation).

Running this kind of procedure on a personal computer is out of question (I need my computer). So I run this procedure on a UNIX server. Even if the UNIX server is 3 times slower than a personal computer, it is the better option that I have. But the UNIX server has sometimes to be stop and I need this procedure to be for more than a month! Does STATA8 provide a command to stop in the middle of a computing procedure to be restarted later (example, two days later)?

 I’ve check a few commands but didn’t find anyone. Is there a command or syntax that would allow me to stop the procedure after a few iterations and restart it after a few days without loosing all the “calculation” done before by STATA8?  


Jf Godin
Ph.D. Student

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