miguel foguel
> I'm struggling to convert a duration-type data set
> (survival data) into a
> "discretised" montlhy panel data. For example, suppose that
> one individual
> (id) displays for his first observation: (entry=1Sep1994;
> exit=31Oct1994;
> failure=1), and for his second observation:
> (entry=1Nov1994; exit=30Nov1994;
> failure=0). I want to arrange these in a typical (long)
> panel data shape,
> where I'd have:
> id monyear failure
> 1 Sep1994 1
> 1 Oct1994 1
> 1 Nov1994 0
> I've tried many different things but none has worked. Do
> you have any
> suggestion? Thanks a lot.
rename entry monyear1
rename exit monyear2
bysort id (monyear1) : gen t = _n
reshape long monyear, i(id t)
[email protected]
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