Can someone out there who understands how Windows hides its filenames
please help this chap? The preponderance of questions about 'why
doesn't the ivendog routine work' come from Windows users who can't
fiigure out how to update their executable (so have never done
so)--three last week alone.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "P.Hua" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Jun 5, 2003 6:04:26 AM US/Eastern
To: Kit Baum <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: ivendog
Dear Kit,
Many thanks for your help.
You are right. I am using Windows and did update all.
I tried to fellow the instructions, but I cannot find wstata.old, this
after several times of update.
So, I just copy wstata.bin to paste on wstata.exe. The copy of
wstata.bin apprears. But it doesnot work. When I did again update
query, the version of installed stata executable is still on 15 dec,
2000, but the last available is 11 jun 2002. How can I do to have the
last version of stata executable which has the update take effect?
At 15:46 04/06/03 -0400, vous avez �crit:
Dear Ping,
My guess is that you are (1) using Windows, (2) did 'update all'
which downloaded the executable, and (3) did not follow the
instructions regarding renaming .bin to .exe, etc. at the DOS level.
This last step seems to be very difficult for many Windows users to
deal with. If you do 'query born', you will probably find that your
executable dates from 2001. If this is the case, ivendog (and a
number of other things) will not work. You must update the version of
the Stata executable that you are running to have the update take
On Wednesday, Jun 4, 2003, at 15:24 US/Eastern, P.Hua wrote:
Dear Professor Baum,
Since many days, I tried to use ivendog to do endogeneity test. But
I did not suceeded.
After update all, I installed the package st0030.
The title is SJ3-1-st0030, instrumental variables and GMM...
I can do all tests as before such as ivhettest, overid and ivreg2
except for ivendog (see attach file).
Where is the problem?
I am really seeking for your help
Many thanks,
Description: Binary data
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics [email protected]