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st: values

From   "Rodrigo Briceno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: values
Date   Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:43:02 -0600

I think that there are problems with the commands.

We will have a 1, only if the reljefe=1 and ss=1 or reljefe=2 and ss=1.
The value 2 is for the people with age>=10 and SS=1. This people is insured
by their own account.

The new value equal to 3, corresponds to an arbitrary assign based in the
insured condition of their partner. So, if mother or father (rel=1 or 2)
have SS=1, and the actual value of SS1 of the partner is missing we assign a

The value 4 corresponds to an arbitrary assign based on the insured
condition of their father or mother. So, if father or mother have SS=1 the
children with less than or equal to 5 will have social security (they will
be dependants insured).


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