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st: long variable value in tab: how to get it all

From   "Don Spady" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: long variable value in tab: how to get it all
Date   Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:55:20 -0700

Hello statalisters

I have a variable which is an icd-9 descriptor (e.g. "009    ill-defined
intestinal infections"
I want to do a tab with the descriptor as var1 and something else as var2
e.g.  "tab dx2desc chrAll"
When I do this I get tab output but the icd9 descriptor (i.e. dx2desc) is
so I get "009 ill-defined i" instead of "009 ill-defined intestinal
Is there any way to get tab to give a more complete (i.e. wider) output of

Many thanks

Don Spady
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodrigo Briceno" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 15:43
Subject: st: values

> I think that there are problems with the commands.
> We will have a 1, only if the reljefe=1 and ss=1 or reljefe=2 and ss=1.
> The value 2 is for the people with age>=10 and SS=1. This people is
> by their own account.
> The new value equal to 3, corresponds to an arbitrary assign based in the
> insured condition of their partner. So, if mother or father (rel=1 or 2)
> have SS=1, and the actual value of SS1 of the partner is missing we assign
> 3.
> The value 4 corresponds to an arbitrary assign based on the insured
> condition of their father or mother. So, if father or mother have SS=1 the
> children with less than or equal to 5 will have social security (they will
> be dependants insured).
> Thanks.
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