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st: Bootstrapping vectors of statistics

From   "Rob Williams" <>
To   "StataList" <>
Subject   st: Bootstrapping vectors of statistics
Date   Thu, 30 Jan 2003 17:30:01 -0500

I have a program that calculates a large number of statistics for each
income quintile in my sample.  To make this manageable, I store the
estimates as variables--each statistic that I've calculated is a variable,
and there are 5 observations, one for each quintile.  I want to bootstrap
the results, using the bstrap command.  But it appears that bstrap only
works for outputs that are scalars.  I could break up the variables into
scalars, so that the post command that ends the bootstrap program would be
something like

post `1' (stat1[1]) (stat1[2]) (stat1[3]) (stat1[4]) (stat1[5]) (stat2[1])
(stat2[2])  etc, etc, etc

but that would be incredibly tedious, because there are a lot of statistics.
Is there any way to simplify this by posting variables (or vectors) of

I should note that I'm quite new to Stata programming, so I could be missing
an obvious way to do this.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

-Rob Williams

Professor Roberton C. Williams III
Department of Economics
University of Texas at Austin

on leave, 2002-03 school year at:
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2188
fax: 202-797-6181

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