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Stata and H2O integration

H2O is a scalable and distributed machine learning and predictive analytics platform. You can read more about H2O at http://docs.h2o.ai/.

We have been experimenting with connecting to H2O from official Stata. Typically, we keep such experiments in-house until either we fully flesh them out into something we release to users or we shelve them because they do not work out the way we wanted or our priorities have changed.

We think H2O is an interesting platform, and we want both our users and ourselves to be able to explore connecting to it from Stata. So, we are giving our users early access to our work, and we welcome any feedback.

StataNow also offers a suite of h2oml commands for interacting with some of H2O's machine learning methods. See [H2OML] h2oml for information on these commands.

Stata 18, Stata and H2O integration documentation (experimental)
Stata 17, Stata and H2O integration documentation (experimental)